Dalam mitos bangsa Mesir, Apophis adalah roh setan yang menimbulkan kehancuran, ingin membawa kegelapan abadi ke dunia.
Sebuah nama yang cocok, menurut para ahli astronomi, untuk kekacauan yang akan menghantam Bumi dari angkasa. Para ahli sedang mengamati asteroid berukuran 390 meter yang ditemukan 19 Juni 2004 yang memiliki potensi untuk bertabrakan dengan planet ini, dan terus mengingatkan pemerintah untuk bertindak.
NASA telah memperkirakan kemungkinan untuk asteroid ini untuk menabrak Bumi pada tahun 2036 (2029-2036) akan melepaskan lebih dari 100.000 energi bom atom yang diledakkan di Hiroshima. Ribuan kilometer persegi wilayah Bumi akan langsung hancur tetapi seluruh Bumi akan mengalami efek sebagai akibat debu yang terbang ke atmosfir.
Dan, para ahli berkata, hanya ada sedikit waktu untuk membuat keputusan. Pada sebuah pertemuan untuk Near-Earth Objects (NEO) di London, para ilmuwan berkata diperlukan beberapa dekade untuk merancang, menguji, dan membuat teknologi yang diperlukan untuk mengubah arah asteroid. Monica Grady, seorang ahli meteroit pada Open University, berkata “Ini bukanlah pertanyaan tentang kapan, atau jika, sebuah objek menabrak Bumi. Banyak objek lebih kecil yang menabrak Bumi tetapi hancur di atmosfir dan kita tidak mengalami dampaknya. Tetapi untuk objek NEO yang lebih besar dari 1 km (lebar) akan menabrak Bumi setiap beberapa ribu tahun dan NEO yang lebih dari 6 km akan memusnahkan kehidupan Bumi, setiap beberapa juta tahun. Kita sedang dalam masa untuk yang besar.
Apophis adalah salah satu asteroid yang terus menerus berada dalam pengawasan NASA, karena memang berpotensi menabrak Bumi. Apophis yang juga dikenal sebagai 2004 MN4 sampai akhir tahun 2004 masih menjadi asteroid dengan kemungkinan tabrakan paling tinggi di tahun 2029. Namun awal tahun 2005 data radar menunjukan penurunan kemungkinan. Dan dalam beberapa bulan kemudian, kemungkinan terjadinya tabrakan pada tahun 2036 juga semakin merosot dan pada akhirnya mencapai angka perbandingan 1:45000
Seorang anak berusia 13 tahun yang setingkat SMP berhasil mengkoreksi perhitungan tabrakan asteroid Apophis. Tabrakan yang menurut NASA awalnya diperkirakan hanya 1:45000 menjadi naik perbandingannya karena apophis diperkirakan akan menabrak salah satu satelit yang mengelilingi Bumi.
Perhitungan Nico Marquardt menunjukan pada tanggal 13 Oktober 2008, saat melakukan pertemuan terdekat dengan Bumi, Apophis akan memiliki kemungkinan menabrak 1 dari 40000 satelit yang ada dan mengalami perubahan lintasan orbit. Perubahan tersebut akan kembali terjadi tahun 2029 saat mendekati Bumi karena kembali Apophis kemungkinan akan mengalami tabrakan dengan satelit. Akibatnya pada tahun 2036, pada saat pertemuan dengan Bumi kemungkinan Apophis akan menabrak Bumi menjadi 1:450 atau seratus kali lebih tinggi dari perkiraan NASA.
Alan Fitzsimmons, seorang ahli astronomi dari Queen’s University berkata “Apabila dia melewati kita pada tanggal 13 April 2029, maka pada tahun 2036 dia akan menghantam kita”.
(Ilustrasi apophis menambrak bumi di tahun 2036)
Secara resmi pihak NASA mengeluarkan rilis berita tentang kemungkinan tabrakan Apophis. Berita yang beredar juga menyebutkan kalau Nico Marquardt dan NASA sudah mencapai kesepakatan, bahkan NASA telah mengakui kalau ada kesalahan dalam perhitungan mereka.
Dari kantor Near-Earth Object (NEO) Program di NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif, dinyatakan bahwa NEO tidak pernah merubah estimasi yang ada saat ini terhadap kemungkinan tabrakan Apophis. Apophis tetap akan memiliki kemungkinan tabrakan yang rendah dengan Bumi yakni 1 : 45000 di tahun 2036. Bahkan NASA khususnya dari NEO Program menyatakan, para peneliti mereka belum pernah melakukan kontak maupun korespondensi dengan siswa tersebut.
Dalam berita sebelumnya, dinyatakan Nico Marquardt melakukan perhitungan terhadap kemungkinan tabrakan antara asteroid Apophis dengan satelit buatan sepanjang close encounter (pertemuan terdekat) degan Bumi pada tahun 2029.
Sayangnya, pada tahun 2029 saat asteroid Apophis tersebut mendekati Bumi, ia tidak akan melewati area di dekat sabuk utama satelit Geosynchronous. Dengan kata lain, kesempatan terjadinya tabrakan dengan satelit buatan sangat jauh.
Karena itu, pertimbangan skenario kemungkinan tabrakan dengan satelit tetap tidak akan mempengaruhi kemungkinan tabrakan yang sudah diperhitungkan saat ini, yakni satu berbanding 45.000 (1 : 45.000).
NASA, khususnya program NEO, bertugas untuk mendeteksi dan mencari jejak asteroid dan komet yang melintas dekat Bumi. Mereka akan mencari dan menghitung jejak orbit si objek untuk menentukan apakah peristiwa itu berbahaya bagi Bumi atau tidak.
Researchers at NASA/JPL, Caltech, and Arecibo Observatory have released the results of radar observations of the potentially hazardous asteroid 99942 Apophis, along with an in-depth analysis of its motion. The research will affect how and when scientists measure, predict, or consider modifying the asteroid's motion. The paper has been accepted for publication in the science journal "Icarus" and was presented at the AAS/DPS conference in Orlando, Florida in October of 2007. The Apophis study was led by Jon Giorgini, a senior analyst in JPL's Solar System Dynamics group and member of the radar team that observed Apophis.
The analysis of Apophis previews situations likely to be encountered with NEAs yet to be discovered: a close approach that is not dangerous (like Apophis in 2029) nonetheless close enough to obscure the proximity and the danger of a later approach (like Apophis in 2036) by amplifying trajectory prediction uncertainties caused by difficult-to-observe physical characteristics interacting with solar radiation as well as other factors.
BACKGROUND The analysis of Apophis previews situations likely to be encountered with NEAs yet to be discovered: a close approach that is not dangerous (like Apophis in 2029) nonetheless close enough to obscure the proximity and the danger of a later approach (like Apophis in 2036) by amplifying trajectory prediction uncertainties caused by difficult-to-observe physical characteristics interacting with solar radiation as well as other factors.
Upon its discovery in 2004, Apophis was briefly estimated to have a 2.7% chance of impacting the Earth in 2029. Additional measurements later showed there was no impact risk at that time from the 210-330 meter (690-1080 foot) diameter object, identified spectroscopically as an Sq type similar to LL chondritic meteorites. However, there will be a historically close approach to the Earth, estimated to be a 1 in 800 year event (on average, for an object of that size).
Arecibo Radar Image of Apophis |
Apophis Position Uncertainty |
The Arecibo planetary radar telescope subsequently detected the asteroid at distances of 27-40 million km (17-25 million miles; 0.192-0.268 AU) in 2005 and 2006. Polarization ratios indicate Apophis appears to be smoother than most NEAs at 13-cm scales. Including the high precision radar measurements in a new orbit solution reduced the uncertainty in Apophis' predicted location in 2029 by 98%.
While trajectory knowledge was substantially corrected by the Arecibo data, a small estimated chance of impact (less than 1 in 45,000 using standard dynamical models) remained for April 13, 2036. With Apophis probably too close to the Sun to be measured by optical telescopes until 2011, and too distant for useful radar measurement until 2013, the underlying physics of Apophis' motion were considered to better understand the hazard.
RESULTS OF THE STUDY While trajectory knowledge was substantially corrected by the Arecibo data, a small estimated chance of impact (less than 1 in 45,000 using standard dynamical models) remained for April 13, 2036. With Apophis probably too close to the Sun to be measured by optical telescopes until 2011, and too distant for useful radar measurement until 2013, the underlying physics of Apophis' motion were considered to better understand the hazard.
(1) Extending the "Standard Dynamical Model"
Trajectory predictions for asteroids are normally based on a standard model of the solar system that includes the gravity of the Sun, Moon, other planets, and the three largest asteroids.
However, additional factors can influence the predicted motion in ways that depend on rarely known details, such as the spin of the asteroid, its mass, the way it reflects and absorbs sun-light, radiates heat, and the gravitational pull of other asteroids passing nearby. These were examined, along with the effect of Earth's non-uniform gravity field during encounters, and limitations of the computer hardware performing the calculations.
One would normally look for the influence of such factors as they gradually alter the trajectory over years. But, for Apophis, the changes remain small until amplified by passage through Earth's gravity field during the historically close approach in 2029.
For example, the team found solar energy can cause between 20 and 740 km (12 and 460 miles) of position change over the next 22 years leading into the 2029 Earth encounter. But, only 7 years later, the effect on Apophis' predicted position can grow to between 520,000 and 30 million km (323,000 and 18.6 million miles; 0.0035-0.2 AU). This range makes it difficult to predict if Apophis will even have a close encounter with Earth in 2036 when the orbital paths intersect.
However, additional factors can influence the predicted motion in ways that depend on rarely known details, such as the spin of the asteroid, its mass, the way it reflects and absorbs sun-light, radiates heat, and the gravitational pull of other asteroids passing nearby. These were examined, along with the effect of Earth's non-uniform gravity field during encounters, and limitations of the computer hardware performing the calculations.
One would normally look for the influence of such factors as they gradually alter the trajectory over years. But, for Apophis, the changes remain small until amplified by passage through Earth's gravity field during the historically close approach in 2029.
For example, the team found solar energy can cause between 20 and 740 km (12 and 460 miles) of position change over the next 22 years leading into the 2029 Earth encounter. But, only 7 years later, the effect on Apophis' predicted position can grow to between 520,000 and 30 million km (323,000 and 18.6 million miles; 0.0035-0.2 AU). This range makes it difficult to predict if Apophis will even have a close encounter with Earth in 2036 when the orbital paths intersect.
Present era through 2029Small factors 2029-2036 |
It was found that small uncertainties in the masses and positions of the planets and Sun can cause up to 23 Earth radii of prediction error for Apophis by 2036.
The standard model of the Earth as a point mass can introduce up to 2.9 Earth radii of prediction error by 2036; at least the Earth's oblateness must be considered to predict an impact.
The gravity of other asteroids can cause up to 2.3 Earth radii of prediction uncertainty for Apophis.
By considering the range of Apophis' physical characteristics and these error sources, it was determined what observations prior to 2029 will most effectively reduce prediction uncertainties. Observing criteria were developed that, if satisfied, could permit eliminating the 2036 impact possibility without further physical characterization of Apophis.
Such observations could reduce the need for a visit by an expensive spacecraft and reduce the risk of Apophis being prematurely eliminated as a hazard under the standard model, only to drift back into the hazard classification system years later as the smaller, unmodeled forces act upon it.
(2) Mitigation The standard model of the Earth as a point mass can introduce up to 2.9 Earth radii of prediction error by 2036; at least the Earth's oblateness must be considered to predict an impact.
The gravity of other asteroids can cause up to 2.3 Earth radii of prediction uncertainty for Apophis.
By considering the range of Apophis' physical characteristics and these error sources, it was determined what observations prior to 2029 will most effectively reduce prediction uncertainties. Observing criteria were developed that, if satisfied, could permit eliminating the 2036 impact possibility without further physical characterization of Apophis.
Such observations could reduce the need for a visit by an expensive spacecraft and reduce the risk of Apophis being prematurely eliminated as a hazard under the standard model, only to drift back into the hazard classification system years later as the smaller, unmodeled forces act upon it.
Mitigation was not specifically studied, but the team found small variations in the energy absorption and reflection properties of Apophis' surface are sufficient to cause enough trajectory change to obscure the difference between an impact and a miss in 2036. Changing the amount of energy Apophis absorbs by half a percent as late as 2018 - for example by covering a 40 x 40 meter (130 x 130 foot) patch with lightweight reflective materials (an 8 kg payload) - can change its position in 2036 by a minimum of one Earth radius.
Apophis Trajectory Change |
A change somewhat greater than this minimum would be required to allow for prediction uncertainties. For Apophis, scaling up to distribute 250 kg (550 pounds) of a reflective or absorptive material (similar to the carbon fiber mesh being considered for solar sails) across the surface could use the existing radiation forces to produce a 6-sigma trajectory change, moving at least "99.9999998" percent of the statistically possible trajectories away from the Earth in just 18 years.
While no deflection is expected to be necessary, the team's research demonstrates that any deflection method must produce a change known in advance to be greater than all the error sources in the prediction, including some greater than those considered with the standard model.
(3) Impact probability While no deflection is expected to be necessary, the team's research demonstrates that any deflection method must produce a change known in advance to be greater than all the error sources in the prediction, including some greater than those considered with the standard model.
The study did NOT compute new impact probabilities. This is because important physical parameters (such as mass and spin pole) that affect its trajectory have not yet been measured and hence there are no associated probability distributions. The study characterizes how the Standard Dynamical Model can over or under-estimate impact probability for those objects having close planetary encounters prior to the potential impact.
The situation is similar to having 6 apples (the measured Apophis parameters) and 6 boxes whose contents are unknown (the unmeasured Apophis parameters), then trying to compute the probability one has a total of 12 apples (impact probability). The result reflects back what is assumed about the unknown contents of the boxes, but doesn't reveal new information. The contents of the boxes must be observed (measured) to learn something new.
For similar reasons, the Apophis study instead uses the minimum and maximum range-of-effect in place of computing impact probabilities to provide reasonable criteria for excluding impact in the absence of detailed physical knowledge, once new position measurements are obtained at six key times.
(4) Non-Apophis Conclusions The situation is similar to having 6 apples (the measured Apophis parameters) and 6 boxes whose contents are unknown (the unmeasured Apophis parameters), then trying to compute the probability one has a total of 12 apples (impact probability). The result reflects back what is assumed about the unknown contents of the boxes, but doesn't reveal new information. The contents of the boxes must be observed (measured) to learn something new.
For similar reasons, the Apophis study instead uses the minimum and maximum range-of-effect in place of computing impact probabilities to provide reasonable criteria for excluding impact in the absence of detailed physical knowledge, once new position measurements are obtained at six key times.
Aspects of the study relevant to asteroids other than Apophis:
- The Standard Dynamical Model can misestimate impact risk for the more numerous sub-km objects preceded by close planetary encounter(s). This problem might be addressed by reassessing impact potential after planetary encounters, given new measurements.
- The minimum-maximum effect of unmeasured parameters can provide enough information to exclude threats in certain cases, even if a realistic impact probability cannot be computed.
- Amplification of small trajectory offsets makes valid prediction across a close-encounter difficult without physical knowledge, but offers the potential to redirect the entire uncertainty region and has significant implications for costly spacecraft missions.
- A deflection effort must be known in advance to produce change greater than predicted uncertainties due to ALL parameters, not only the Standard Dynamical Model. For example, if a method produces 10 Earth-radii of change, but prediction uncertainties from all sources are 20 Earth-radii, the deflection would move the asteroid around within the noise, producing an unpredicted result or even a new hazard.
The future for Apophis on Friday, April 13 of 2029 includes an approach to Earth no closer than 29,470 km (18,300 miles, or 5.6 Earth radii from the center, or 4.6 Earth-radii from the surface) over the mid-Atlantic, appearing to the naked eye as a moderately bright point of light moving rapidly across the sky. Depending on its mechanical nature, it could experience shape or spin-state alteration due to tidal forces caused by Earth's gravity field.
This is within the distance of Earth's geosynchronous satellites. However, because Apophis will pass interior to the positions of these satellites at closest approach, in a plane inclined at 40 degrees to the Earth's equator and passing outside the equatorial geosynchronous zone when crossing the equatorial plane, it does not threaten the satellites in that heavily populated region.
Using criteria developed in this research, new measurements possible in 2013 (if not 2011) will likely confirm that in 2036 Apophis will quietly pass more than 49 million km (30.5 million miles; 0.32 AU) from Earth on Easter Sunday of that year (April 13).
CREDITS This is within the distance of Earth's geosynchronous satellites. However, because Apophis will pass interior to the positions of these satellites at closest approach, in a plane inclined at 40 degrees to the Earth's equator and passing outside the equatorial geosynchronous zone when crossing the equatorial plane, it does not threaten the satellites in that heavily populated region.
Using criteria developed in this research, new measurements possible in 2013 (if not 2011) will likely confirm that in 2036 Apophis will quietly pass more than 49 million km (30.5 million miles; 0.32 AU) from Earth on Easter Sunday of that year (April 13).
In addition to Giorgini, co-authors of the report include Dr. Lance A. M. Benner and Dr. Steven J. Ostro of JPL; Dr. Michael C. Nolan, Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico, and Michael W. Busch of the California Institute of Technology.
Arecibo Observatory is operated by Cornell University under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. JPL is managed for NASA by the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
Arecibo Observatory is operated by Cornell University under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. JPL is managed for NASA by the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.